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Policy & Procedures

CYFD develops Policies and Procedures that further the agency’s mission and goals, establishes standard operating principles, offers consistent guidance for employees, provides transparency to the community, ensures efficiency in State business, and embraces nationally recognized best practices. CYFD also develops, maintains, and publicizes comprehensive, uniform, well-reasoned, and understandable New Mexico Administrative Code (known as NMAC Rules).

CYFD Family Services Mother and Daughter

CYFD develops Policies and Procedures that further the agency’s mission and goals, establishes standard operating principles, offers consistent guidance for employees, provides transparency to the community, ensures efficiency in State business, and embraces nationally recognized best practices. CYFD also develops, maintains, and publicizes comprehensive, uniform, well-reasoned, and understandable New Mexico Administrative Code (known as NMAC Rules). View NMAC Rules Here.

CYFD Policy declares the department’s position, intent, and course of action to further the agency’s mission and goals.

CYFD Procedure provides instructions for how employees comply with requirements in statutes, rules, and policy. Policy statements and procedures are published in the same document.

Sometimes, CYFD leadership issues Directives as administrative announcements that need immediate implementation to amend or replace Policy and Procedure.

Additionally, the Protective Services Division has issued Program Instruction Guides (PIGs) which amended and provided additional guidance on procedure. As of March 1, 2023, no new PIGs will be issued. Current, relevant PIGs remain in effect until they are rescinded (deleted) or incorporated into Policy and Procedure, as appropriate.

Please contact the CYFD Policy Office at cyfd.policy@cyfd.nm.gov for questions, comments, or concerns about any of the CYFD Rules, Policies, Procedures, and Directives.