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Office of Constituent Affairs

Happy family holding their children

Office of Constituent Affairs

The Office of Constituent Affairs is responsible for processing discrimination complaints that we receive from constituents, which include parents of children and youth involved with CYFD, resource families, children and youth who are or have received services through CYFD, contractors, and the general public.

As constituents of CYFD, you have the right to apply for and receive services and benefits free from harassment or discrimination. Contractors have a right to apply for funding to provide services free from harassment or discrimination.

CYFD encourages reporting of all perceived incidents of discrimination or harassment.

When received, CYFD’s Office of Constituent Affairs investigates or refers such reports for investigation by the Office of Inspector General or the Employee Relations Bureau.

Shadows of a family holding hands

CYFD prohibits retaliation against any individual or group that reports discrimination or harassment or those that participate in the investigation of such reports.

If you believe you’ve experienced harassment, discrimination, or retaliation, or you know of any harassment, discrimination, or retaliation committed by a CYFD employee, we encourage you to report the alleged charge immediately to the Office of Constituent Affairs.

Additional Information

CYFD is dedicated to providing high-quality support and services to individuals and families throughout New Mexico. If you are interested in finding out more about any of CYFD’s services, or if you would like assistance with the supports or services you are presently receiving, you may contact the CYFD Constituent Affairs Office at:

Kaitlyn Eichers, Constituent Affairs Manager

CYFD complies fully with federal and state laws protecting client information, privacy, and confidentiality. With respect to our clients’ right to privacy, the CYFD Office of Constituent Affairs cannot discuss or divulge any confidential details about clients or the services they may receive.

Requests for assistance can be made by calling or sending a letter to the Office of Constituent Affairs.

Americans with Disabilities Act Notice of Rights

Effective Communication and Modification to Policies and Procedures

Effective communications with applicants for services, clients and members of the public with disabilities is important to CYFD. CYFD will, upon request provide appropriate auxiliary aides and services leading to effective communication for qualified persons with disabilities so they can participate equally in CYFD programs, services, and activities. Auxiliary aides and services include qualified sign language interpreters, documents in Braille or large print, assistive listening devices and other ways of making information and communications accessible to people who have speech, hearing or vision impairments.

When an auxiliary aid or service is required for effective communication, CYFD provides an opportunity for an individual with a disability to request the auxiliary aid or service of their choice and gives primary consideration to the choice expressed by the individual.

CYFD will also make reasonable modifications to policies and procedures to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to all CYFD programs, services, and activities. The ADA does not require CYFD to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its programs or services or that would impose on it an undue financial or administrative burden.

Primary Consideration

“Primary consideration” means that CYFD honors the choice of the individual requesting the auxiliary aid or service, unless it can show that another equally effective means of communication is available, or that use of the means chosen would result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of its service, program or activity or in undue financial or administrative burdens. A CYFD official consults with the individual with the disability when the preferred type of auxiliary aid or service is not available or not required, and the responsible CYFD official will attempt to ascertain whether an alternative means of communication ensures effective communication. The purpose of providing these aids is to effectively communicate with the disabled person or a person with a language barrier and the choice of such aids or services are guided by such purpose.

CYFD ADA Coordinator

If you would like additional information, request a service or if you believe you have been denied an auxiliary aid or reasonable modification, contact the CYFD ADA Coordinator as soon as possible but no later than three (3) business days before a scheduled program, service or activity. Also for more information about the accessibility of the CYFD website please visit our accessibility page.

Contact: CYFD ADA Coordinator
TTY: 800-659-8331
Relay: 7-1-1