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Probation & Supervised Release

The philosophy driving probation practices in New Mexico is a balance of treatment and prevention services and a standard of accountability and responsibility.

Teenage girl speaking with therapist

Probation Supervision

Juvenile Probation, much like adult probation, is a court-order through which a juvenile is placed under the supervision of a Juvenile Probation Officer. The Juvenile Probation Officer maintains contact with the client throughout the period deemed necessary by the judge. The court may extend a judgement of probation until the youth reaches the age of 21 should the court find it necessary.

Supervised Release

Supervised Release, much like adult parole, is mandatory for clients who serve commitments in a juvenile correctional facility. The Juvenile Probation office in each community supervises each case and works with the Supervised Release Panel for a minimum of 3 months after the commitment in order to best address any needs the youth may experience to ensure a rehabilitative services continue.