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Administrative Services Division

Administrative Services Division

The Administrative Support Division (ASD) of the Children, Youth and Families Department is responsible for fiscal, budget, contract, procurement, and human resource operations.

Bureaus within this division:

The Budget Bureau

The Budget Bureau is responsible for the coordination and submission of the Department’s annual budget request and operating budget and for monitoring budget activities throughout the fiscal year.

The Grants Management Bureau

The Grants Management Bureau ensures timely federal reporting of expenditures and draw down of federal funds.

The Financial Management Bureau

The Financial Management Bureau provides and manages accounting activities and facilitates the Departments’ annual financial and compliance audit.

Contracts and Procurement

Contracts and Procurement ensures procurement law compliance and contract development and technical assistance for the delivery of goods and services.

Contracts Audit Unit and Accounts Payable

Contracts Audit Unit and Accounts Payable are responsible for timely payments to vendors and subrecipient monitoring.

General Services Bureau

General Services Bureau manages vehicle fleet, office leases, telecommunications, and mail room operations.

Background Check Unit

Background Check Unit conducts background investigations for prospective contract and provider staff, volunteers, and individuals that participate in the care and support of children.

Background and What’s Next

In early 2023, a comprehensive review was conducted of these operations to begin addressing audit findings and other financial concerns. During the review, it was discovered that each program; Protective Services, Juvenile Justice Services, and Behavioral Health Services also maintained staff that supported ASD functions.  While these functions are necessary for each of the programs, they began functioning independently with slightly different operations, policies, and communication plans.  Essentially, they began side-stepping ASD oversight and decision makers, ultimately siloing operations.

The reorganization has streamlined operations across all programs and will continue to reduce delays in day-to-day operations and increase productivity across the Administrative Services Division. The Administrative Services will continue to make decisions in unison and focus on providing the programs with the necessary tools and guidance needed to get services out as quickly as possible.