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Transition Services

The Juvenile Justice Transition Services Program was created in 2008 to provide intensive aftercare & supervised release services to youth with high levels of mental and behavioral health needs.

Youth with teacher in auto mechanics class

Transition Services

Before the Transition Services Program, there was a noted lack of discharge planning and supervised release services for youth leaving the secured juvenile correction facilities. The Transitional Services Program can work with youth up to their 21st birthday with their consent, also partnering with Fostering Connections to jointly work with youth who have aged out of foster care and are also involved in the juvenile justice system.

Transitions Services works with youth to create a transition plan covering 8 different areas including residence, health lifestyle activities and continued access to mental health and substance abuse services. Transition Service Coordinators (TC’s) work one on one with the youth to make progress and achieve the goals on their transition plan.  TC’s are almost always assigned to youth upon intake at the juvenile correctional facilities however assignment can also be made if a youth’s family or home situation changes during their commitment.

Transitional Services may include youth that:

  • Have served in a CYFD Juvenile Justice Facility
  • Have reached age 18 while in custody
  • Have mental and/or behavioral health needs that require extensive aftercare planning
  • Are pregnant and/or parenting
  • Have a limited or no support system
  • Have unstable housing

Clients who meet target criteria and are identified upon intake. They are assigned a transition coordinator at the beginning of their commitment.

Transition Coordinators work closely with clients to create a comprehensive transition plan that may include:

  • Legal Services
  • Housing
  • Behavioral/Mental Health Services
  • Medical Services
  • Education or Vocational training
  • Employment Opportunities
  • Financial Support Services
  • Life Skills and Relationship supports
  • Recreation