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Youth Services and Delinquency Prevention

Teenage girl speaking with therapist

The Youth Services and Delinquency Prevention Unit falls within CYFD’s Juvenile Justice Services, as part of Field Services.

The Unit is tasked with staffing New Mexico’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee, administering special initiatives, monitoring compliance to federal and state juvenile justice and delinquency prevention requirements, and managing funding for community programs.

The Youth Services and Delinquency Prevention Unit strives, through its special initiatives, compliance efforts and community funding, to identify and support data-informed, evidence-based programs and promising approaches that demonstrate positive impact on the lives of New Mexico’s at-risk and system-involved youth. The Unit is organized into the following areas of responsibility:

Juvenile Justice Programs Unit

Oversee four juvenile justice and delinquency prevention programs:

  • One-on-One and Group Mentoring funding;
  • Juvenile Continuum funding;
  • Juvenile Community Corrections funding; and
  • Federal Title II Formula Grant funding.

Certification & Compliance

Enhance/maintain effective monitoring of state detention centers to state detention standards, and jails, detention facilities, and other facilities to assure compliance with federal JJDP Act requirements.