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Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Services

Child speaking with a therapist

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Services

The mission of IMH is to ameliorate the transmission of intergenerational trauma between parents and Infants through effective dyadic and triadic clinical work.

CYFD BHS IECMHS has elected Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) as the clinical intervention model for services, as it is the only Evidence Based Practice for infants 0-5 who have experienced trauma.

Tools and Resources


All infants and their caregivers deserve supports and services that encourage nurturing relationships. Professionals from a variety of disciplines can use a range of infant mental health strategies to foster healthy development. By joining the New Mexico Association of Infant Mental Health, you help us move our state closer to creating a cohesive system of infant mental health in New Mexico. Endorsement provides recognition of specialized knowledge and expertise in professionals working with or on behalf of pregnant people, infants, birth through three, and their families. For more information on becoming Endorsed through the NMAIMH please visit their website at www.nmaimh.org

If you are interested in locating reflective supervisors or consultants in your area you can download a New Mexico directory.

CYFD’s Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Services

Teams and Parent Infant Psychotherapy Services in New Mexico


For more information on CYFD’s Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Services, contact:
Ilse G. Amaya, LMSW
(505) 469-5833

Infant Mental Health Child Parent Psychotherapy Providers in New Mexico
Infant Mental Health map

If you are interested in learning more about Infant Mental Health related topics, click here to see upcoming IMH trainings offered to the community listed in light purple.