Resource Foster Care

A CYFD Resource Foster Parent provides a safe and nurturing environment to children who cannot live at home with their families due to factors that may be unsafe for them.

Become A Resource Foster Family and Transform the Lives!

Resource Foster Parents open their homes and their hearts to these children by cultivating safety, growth, and learning in a comfortable family setting. Resource Foster Parents encourage children to remain connected to their religion, culture, and community. These families have an opportunity to build lifelong relationships with the children in their care.

CYFD Family Services Mother and Daughter

Are you ready to be a Resource Foster Family?
Get Started Today!

For more information, contact us:

Call us – (800) 4322075

Contract your Regional Navigator

Fill out our easy online inquiry form:

We look forward to hearing from you!


CYFD Supports

Resource Foster Parents are reimbursed for some of the expenses incurred while providing care to children placed in their home.

Children in custody receive complete medical coverage and are eligible for childcare services.

Become a Resource Foster Parent

Types of Resource Foster Care

  • Resource Foster Care
    Daytoday care
  • Enhanced Foster Care
    Daytoday care for children who require extra time and attention due to medical, behavioral, or emotional needs.
  • Respite Foster Care
    Provides short term care for children placed primarily in another resource foster home.
  • Treatment Foster Care
    Provides care and treatment for children or youth at an in-patient program.
  • Foster to Adopt
    Daytoday care with the intention of becoming a permanent home for that child.