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Office of Advocacy

Our Mission
To respond to the urgent need in New Mexico to improve the lives of vulnerable children by breaking down barriers to access, accountability, positive system reform, and community networking

Every child in New Mexico realizes their rights and achieves their potential.

Mother and child baking together

About Us

The Office of Advocacy offers children and youth in foster care services and support, including: Youth Grievances, Immigrant Rights, Education Rights & Advocacy, Disability Rights, consultation, benefits and more. 

The Office of Advocacy promotes the rights of children and families in New Mexico by supporting social justice advocacy through inclusion, equity, LGBTQ rights, access to reproductive health services trauma-responsive behavioral health services, and a family-centered approach by identifying innovative transformative approaches to child welfare reform.

How to file a complaint

If you can identify a right that is violated – please let us know! We will help you review your rights.

Filing a Complaint Step by Step Guide

If you are a resource foster child or youth and believe your rights have been violated, contact our office.

Please Email Us: CYFD.YouthGrievance@cyfd.nm.gov

Adults can also contact our office on behalf of children and youth. Once you reach out to us, we will respond within about 48 hours to see how we can help!

Here are some pointers on helping us to empower you:

  • Try to remember the event to the best of your ability – writing it down can help!
  • We will want to know:
    1. What happened?
    2. Where did it happen?
    3. When did it happen?
    4. Who was involved?

If you can identify a right that is violated – please let us know! We will help you review your rights.

Want to Learn More?

We provide free trainings about the CYFD Bill of Rights and other topics!

Please contact us at CYFD.YouthGrievance@cyfd.nm.gov.