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Family Services

Family Services Division helps connect families to resources in their communities and provides direct services to support families as they work toward increasing their well-being.

Our goal is to support families before a crisis or before a situation creates an unsafe environment for children. The Family Services division is designed to strengthen protective and preventive factors within the family dynamic.

CYFD Family Services Mother and Daughter

The Family Services Division brings together prevention and early intervention programs which have historically been spread across multiple divisions with CYFD.

The programs within Family Services focus on strategies that reduce risk factors and promote proactive rather than reactive engagement with families.

Programs are usually short-term, family-focused services designed to support and improve family functioning by enhancing the caregiver’s skills to problem solve, and provide for safety and healthy well-being.


CARA Program

The CARA Program is designed to support families whose child has been born substance exposed. A plan of care is completed to identify services needed. CARA navigators will work with the family by completing a comprehensive family assessment in the home and identifying what supports are needed including mental health, safe sleep, transportation to medical appointments, etc. Click Here for more information.

Children's Trust Fund

Provide grants to community providers for innovative prevention programming

Oversight of Next Gen Gouncil: Next Gen Council provides grants for innovate prevention programming for older children/youth.


Community-Based Prevention, Intervention & Reunification (CBPIR)

Multifaceted, community-based program that works with families in their homes and in their communities by providing case management services and parenting education. The program has different levels of support for families based on needs identified by the family during their family assessment. Click Here for more information.

Domestic Violence Services

This program provides technical assistance and training for Survivor Services Providers and for domestic violence Offender Services Providers. Click Here for more information.

Family Outreach

Family Outreach offers a family-centered approach based on an assessment that recognizes each family’s unique strengths and needs. Once the family assessment is completed, your family will be referred to a community provider who will help to obtain identified resources needed. Our Family Outreach program provides New Mexico families with earlier and more meaningful responses to concerns identified by families.

Family Resource Centers

New Mexico’s first Family Resource Centers will be opening soon. These community-based resource hubs are designed to provide families access to services and supports that promote their health and well-being. Each resource center will aid families in connecting with needed programs and services, educational supports, and assistance accessing state-administered services. Click Here for more information.

Fostering Connections

Fostering Connections is a combination of Services and support available to young people who are aging out of the Foster Care System. Click Here for more information.

In-Home Services

Our In-Home Services Program receives referrals from CYFD investigators who identify families that need supports and services in order to provide a safe and nurturing environment for their children. Click Here for more information.

Keeping Families Together

The Keeping Families Together program provides a comprehensive array of services to families who are homeless or lack a stable nighttime residence and are involved with Child Protective Services, or at-risk of becoming involved with Child Protective Services, or those who are reunifying with children who are in CYFD custody. This program is currently located in Bernalillo, Sandoval, and Valencia counties.

Multi-Level Response

When families need more intensive services, they can be referred to our multi-level response services. This includes a comprehensive family assessment to identify family needs and a higher level of case management and family support services. Click Here for more information.